Environmental Policy

In all its activities, UTEST maintains that environmental protection, continuous improvement, effective use of natural resources, full compliance with the laws and prevention of pollution, primarily reducing and segregating the wastes generated during its operations, recycling them, recycling them with the most appropriate methods and compliance with environmental legislation and administrative accepts

In all its activities, UTEST maintains that environmental protection, continuous improvement, effective use of natural resources, full compliance with the laws and prevention of pollution, primarily reducing and segregating the wastes generated during its operations, recycling them, recycling them with the most appropriate methods and compliance with environmental legislation and administrative accepts

For the prevention of environmental pollution;

• To make production by taking environmental factor into consideration in new products and projects,

• Investigation of those with less polluting characteristics in order to reduce the use of harmful substances in product design and production processes,

• By identifying risks for emergencies related to the environment and reducing them,

• Measuring the performance by continuously improving the environmental management system,

• Measuring the performance by continuously improving the environmental management system,

• Saving energy, water and natural resources in order to increase efficiency and to promote the use of new technology,

• Activities will be organized regularly in order to create environmental awareness.

UTEST commits to renewing its Environmental Policy by taking into consideration the conditions and developments of the day.