Length Change (Shrinkage And Expansion)
The moulds are used for preparpmg the specimens for the purpose of determining the length changes (shrinkage/expansion) in hardened hydraulic cement mortar and concrete.
According to all standardized test methods for determinig the length changes of hardened cement paste, mortar under different conditions, the muolds are used together with the any UTEST Length Comparators (UTCM-0200 or UTCM-0210) fit the specimens sizes.
Minimum surface hardness of UTCM-0029E is HV400 which is recommended by the EN standard.
All metal moulds surfaces are protected with anti-corrosion oil and all parts of them are matchmarked.
The moulds are supplied complied with the steel inserts screwed on.
Reference rod and other equipment be should ordered separately.
For the purpose of determining the length changes (shrinkage/expansion) in hardened concrete including aggregate which has larger sized Dmax, UTC-1153, UTC-1155 or UTC-1161 moulds are also used togerher with UTC-1170 Large type digital length comparator.