Vibrating Machine

Genel Bilgi

The UTCM-0930 Vibrating Machine is used for the preparation and compaction of 70.7 mm mortar cube specimens. The mould table is mounted on four springs attached to an eccentric shaft which allows each sample to be vibrated at 12000 cycles per minute. There is a timer on it to preset time and it stops automatically in every 120 seconds.

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Vibrating Machine

The UTCM-0930 Vibrating Machine is used for the preparation and compaction of 70.7 mm mortar cube specimens. The mould table is mounted on four springs attached to an eccentric shaft which allows each sample to be vibrated at 12000 cycles per minute. There is a timer on it to preset time and it stops automatically in every 120 seconds.

70.7 mm cube mould (UTCM-0926) should be ordered separately.



Product Code Description Number Process
UTCM-0930 Vibrating Machine for 70.7 mm Cube Moulds, BS, 220-240 V 50 Hz, 1ph.

Teknik Özellikler

Teknik Özellikler


450x650x850 mm

Weight (approx.)

80 kg

Eccentric Shaft Rotation

12000 r.p.m


1100 W



BS 4550



Product Code Description Number Process
UTCM-0926 Cube Mould 70.7 mm, BS, 220-240V 60 Hz, 1 ph.



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